Variety store displays need to have a lot of flexibility in order to showcase a diverse set of products. Because of the vast array of merchandise being sold in a variety store, it is important that the shelves are easy to shop and items are clearly labeled and visible. Some shelving solutions that assist in making variety stores easy to shop include:
Standard Shelves
With the ability to slide in different shelves, horizontal or sloped, these wall shelves can hold a lot of different products, which is ideal for a variety store.
Painted Wire Shelving Dividers
Painted wire shelving units and dividers will keep customers from passing over the small items in your store. Fencing and dividers allow you to subdivide any shelf into a variety of sizes and are adjustable every ½”.
Upright Extenders
Upright extenders make it easy to add more display space for your merchandise without using up any more room in your store. They can increase your merchandising display space and avoid the expense of additional gondolas and wall units. Extenders can also be installed and removed easily without disturbing existing merchandise.
Space Plus Conversion
Space plus conversion warehouse shelving is ideal for the large or bulk items being sold in your variety store. If you want the "Warehouse Look" for your store and you don't want to spend a lot of money, these kits are the answer. They modify store fixtures you already have and bring them up to date, while being strong enough to hold your heavy stock and bulk merchandise loads.
End Unit Retail Displays
Take advantage of the space at the end of your rows of store shelves. End cap displays coordinate with your existing units and add critical display space for your highest gross profitable merchandise. When working with the many shelves of a variety store, end units are a great way to give the customer a sense of the type of products they will find if they head down that aisle, simplifying the shopping experience.
Make shopping easy with clearly labeled aisles, prominently displayed products, and a store layout that is easy to follow. Variety store owners need to be extra mindful of their store floor plan because of the eclectic collection of merchandise being sold.