If your store is crowded with merchandise, it can be really distracting for customers. Not only will they have a hard time finding the things they want, but they’ll have a hard time finding what’s new in your store.
Every retail store has their top-selling items. It’s important to not make these items compete with all the other things your store has to offer. Try implementing the following three techniques to maximize exposure for your top products:
1. Place products at eye-level
One of the very best ways to attract attention is to place your top selling merchandise at your customers’ eye-level. This will immediately attract their attention and help them focus on what’s most important in your store. Place your retail display shelves at the best heights to achieve this.
2. Utilize your end-caps
End unit display racks are another great way to make your top-sellers stand out. Things can get lost in long aisles filled with merchandise, but end-caps give you the opportunity to focus on one product that won’t have to compete for attention.
3. Use effective signage
It’s easy to go overboard when it comes to sale signs. You want to place them all over the store to attract your customers. But if you use your signs strategically, you can point your customers to the products you want them to see. Use bright colors and simple lettering to help better target your best-selling merchandise.
By making just a few small changes in your retail store, you can easily attract more attention to your top-selling merchandise. See what works for you and keep things fresh to keep your customers interested.