Store Planning: Displaying Small and Oddly Shaped Merchandise

By Steve Di Orio
Posted in Store Design
On September 13, 2024

Not all products are alike. When selling multiple items in a retail setting, merchandise can range from large to small, light to heavy, pointy to round. No matter what the size, you want your products to be displayed properly and be easily visible to customers. Luckily, there are retail shelving units available to help with those small or oddly shaped items. Here are a few of the retail display solutions you can utilize to show off your merchandise: 

  • Tiered Magazine Rack: Because magazines are flimsy and unable to stand up on their own, having a tiered magazine rack is important for display. They allow the magazine covers to be easily visible to customers and keep the display organized.
  • Down Slope Shelves: Some items just need displayed a little differently, and flexible down slop 45 degree store fixtures are the perfect option. Down slope shelves are ideal for stationery, shoes and other items that need better visibility.
  • Grid Store Fixtures: Having a hard time displaying some of your merchandise? Grid store fixtures are the perfect solution to those hard-to-store items such as mops, brooms, pipes, pool cues, and golf clubs.
  • Bins: Bin dividers can be adjusted to accommodate a variety of items, and the 2 position bracket allows for a flat or sloped shelf position. This allows for a display of items of many different sizes as well as promotes visibility.
  • Bulk Baskets: These are ideal for displaying awkward merchandise such as, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, grass seed, pvc sections, paint rollers, extension cords and more. Anything that doesn’t look quite right on standard store shelving will hold up well in a bulk basket.
  • Base Decks: These are designed to hold your awkward or large merchandise and can be set up in a variety of places within your business. Great for bulky merchandise and easy to set up, remove and store.

Whatever oddly shaped item you are trying to display, there is a retail shelving unit available to meet your needs.

Steve Di Orio

Steve Di Orio


Steve has been with Handy Store Fixtures for over 15 years. After becoming the Marketing Manager in 2006, he was named Director of Marketing. Steven earned his MBA from Montclair State University with a specialization in Digital Marketing in 2019. When not at work, he loves to travel, play golf, exercise, and talk all things search engine marketing and retail display tips.