When opening a small business there are many regulations and laws that you need to adhere to. These rules don’t just apply to big businesses, and your small retail store will need to keep these in mind as well. The U.S. Small Business Administration has compiled the basic laws that you’ll need to be aware of, from advertising and marketing law to workplace safety & health law and everything in-between.
Advertising & Marketing
We all know how important having a marketing plan is to making your store a success, and this law doesn’t try to hinder your efforts. But your advertising must be truthful and legal. This can also impact how your products are labeled, how you advertise to minors, your email and telemarketing campaigns, and health and environmental claims you make.
Employment & Labor
This will help guide you in your hiring efforts. These laws help you avoid any discrimination and harassment charges as well as keep you informed on the necessary workplace posters, wage and hour laws and workers’ compensation guidelines.
This covers all you need to know about antitrust, bankruptcy and securities laws to keep your financial interests safe.
Intellectual Property
Protect your ideas by properly filing for patents, trademarks or copyrights. Learn about intellectual property and copyrighting your work.
Online Business
If your retail store has extended to an e-commerce site, you’ll want to make sure you’re complying with sales tax online and selling internationally.
You are legally responsible to protect the personal consumer and employee information that you collect.
You don’t need to be involved in agriculture to be impacted by environmental laws. Producing products that could cause harm to the environment or disposing of waste needs to be regulated as well.
Financial Contracts
The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a compilation of uniform rules that streamline and coordinate the sale of goods and other commercial transactions throughout the United States.
Workplace Safety
You’ll need to provide employees of your store a safe place to work. Not only is this important to their productivity and satisfaction, but you are legally obligated under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Foreign Workers
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is something you’ll need to be familiar with if you hire foreign employees. This governs immigration and citizenship in the United States.
If you are unsure which of these laws will impact your business don’t worry, there are resources at your disposal. Before you open up your retail store, make sure you are following these laws and regulations to ensure a well-run and successful business.