Maximizing your pet litter and bedding sales requires the proper shelving and display of pet substrates. This is not an easy task. Bags of litter are bulky and heavy. They do not lend themselves to effective displays. Laying them flat is an efficient use of space, but customers are not drawn to the brightly designed packaging and are unable to read the product descriptions. If your customers cannot read product descriptions, they will not understand the advantages of more expensive brands.
Despite this, there are several solutions to displaying litter and pet bedding.
Sit Them Up
With the correct pet store shelving you will be able to display bags of pet substrate upright. This leads to more eye-catching displays. Customers are drawn to and learn about new products. You can also alternate laying product flat with the same product upright for a more interesting visual arrangement.
Lay Them Out
You can ditch shelving and move to bulk storage bins. This will allow you to stack the bags efficiently. Keep products in separate bins for easier browsing. This method does have the disadvantage of being less noticeable from a distance. Make sure your bins are signed properly. In fact, signage is always important.
Sign Them Up
Using visually interesting, informative signs will help move customers to higher-end products. Use bullet points to spell out the benefits of a particular product. You can also offer deals on new products to encourage customers to try something different. Many customers can’t say no to a good deal.