Are Your Checkout Areas Ready for the Holidays?

By Steve Di Orio
Posted in Store Management
On January 26, 2024

Someone once said, “Always be on your toes, because first impressions are the most important.” However, last impressions will be of equal importance for your store.

Convenience store gondola checkout fixture displaying impulse items in the checkout areaYour checkout system will be the last impression your customers retain of your store. The checkout system should be the final step in your store planning, since it will impact your future profits.

Reviewing the effectiveness of your checkout system begins with the sale process. In your store planning, you should create a system that ensures profits are properly collected and deposited to the bank. Make sure products are accurately marked, and educate cashiers on identifying sale items.

Retail store checkout display fixtureThe second part of your checkout system review should focus on impulse sales. Take advantage of the opportunities created through checkout lines, and choose to display items in this area of your store to increase visibility and chances of impulse sales. Display these items in a neat and orderly arrangement at the checkout counter, and ensure they are inexpensive for maximum sales and profits.

Allowing the customer to experience your checkout system and leave your store satisfied is crucial to success. One of the most important elements of cashier training is having them work at making an effort to satisfy your customers. Let them leave with a smile and a good feeling about your store.

First impressions are important but, “LAST IMPRESSIONS ARE LONG LASTING.”

Steve Di Orio

Steve Di Orio


Steve has been with Handy Store Fixtures for over 15 years. After becoming the Marketing Manager in 2006, he was named Director of Marketing. Steven earned his MBA from Montclair State University with a specialization in Digital Marketing in 2019. When not at work, he loves to travel, play golf, exercise, and talk all things search engine marketing and retail display tips.