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Articles by 'Steve Di Orio'

Blog Author - Steve Di Orio


Steve has been with Handy Store Fixtures for over 15 years. After becoming the Marketing Manager in 2006, he was named Director of Marketing. Steven earned his MBA from Montclair State University with a specialization in Digital Marketing in 2019. When not at work, he loves to travel, play golf, exercise, and talk all things search engine marketing and retail display tips.

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Management

For many store owners, after the holidays brings a dreaded month of returns. In 2014, 11% of returns were from holiday sales, according to the Consumer Returns in the Retail Industry report sponsored the National Retail Federation (NRF). Returns are also up more than 26% during the holidays. But what are you supposed to do when the merchandise that is being returned is something you no longer carry? Many holiday shoppers start picking up their gifts well in advance, and by the time the holidays come around... read more.

  • February 22, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Fixtures

The smallest of your merchandise likely isn’t top of mind when determining your store shelving needs, but it should be something you consider. The smallest of products need to be displayed just as prominently as larger items, otherwise customers may overlook them completely. And as any store owner knows, small items can be some of the best-selling products! We’re sharing some tips to make your smallest items shine. Baskets are one of the most common ways to display small items because they keep them cont... read more.

  • February 19, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Management

Setting customer service policies can be one of the most daunting tasks a small business faces when starting up, but it’s one of the most critical. We all know that exceptional customer service is what keeps a customer returning time after time, but how do you provide it without compromising your bottom line? With a documented, thorough customer service policy! It’s likely that you have a ton of other projects on your plate, but taking the time to set up customer service policies can help you in the long... read more.

  • February 16, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in

As a small business owner, there’s no better way to learn about your business and customers than everyday experience. But every business owner can benefit from the advice and experience of those that have come before them, and that’s where retail blogs can be helpful. Take just a few minutes each day to read an article or two on these blogs and you might be surprised at the industry updates and inspiration they provide. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorites to check out. SmallBizDaily. This online... read more.

  • February 13, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Holidays

Just when you think the holidays are over, Valentine’s Day comes sneaking around the corner. But don’t stow away those Christmas display shelves just yet! If you have red painted shelves leftover from the holidays, recycle them into your Valentine’s Day displays. Here are a few ways to enhance your store for Valentine’s Day this year. Festive Store Shelving: As we mentioned above, painted shelves that correspond with holiday colors are a great way to bring a festive feel into your store. Add red, whi... read more.

  • February 10, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Gondola Shelving Accessories

Gondola accessories round out the store shelving your business needs. If you are running out of shelf space, having difficulty showcasing your merchandise, or want to freshen things up with new displays, adding on some accessories can help check all of those boxes. Here are three options that can be beneficial to many retail establishments. Upright Extenders Upright extenders are really beneficial for two reasons: they are great for when you start to run out of shelf space and also offer an opportunity to s... read more.

  • February 07, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Management

Once you’ve put hours into your business plan, come up with the financial backing, found a location and purchased all of your merchandise, you are finally ready to launch your new store. Congratulations! This is a major accomplishment and it’s not always easy to turn a dream or idea into a reality. After already making such an investment into your store, both financially and time-wise, you want to make sure the launch is as successful as possible. You only get one first impression, so make it count. ... read more.

  • February 04, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Management

When preparing for the holidays, retail store owners typically order extra inventory. Since items are in such high demand this time of year, it’s important to be able to meet the needs of customers to ensure they don’t go elsewhere. But once the holidays have passed, where do you put the extras? It’s important to have a backstock organization plan to keep good track of your inventory. Utilize Warehouse Shelving Warehouse shelving and other storage systems allow for ample space for extra inventory. Thi... read more.

  • February 01, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Store Management

When opening a small business there are many regulations and laws that you need to adhere to. These rules don’t just apply to big businesses, and your small retail store will need to keep these in mind as well. The U.S. Small Business Administration has compiled the basic laws that you’ll need to be aware of, from advertising and marketing law to workplace safety & health law and everything in-between. Advertising & Marketing We all know how important having a marketing plan is to making your... read more.

  • January 29, 2025

By Steve Di Orio, Posted in Holidays

Promotional appearances by beloved characters, whether that be a Disney princess, the Easter Bunny, or more appropriately for the holiday season, Santa Claus, can be a great way to get attention to your store. Any kid walking by with their parents will drag mom and dad into your store for a closer look at Santa. Does this up your odds of them making a purchase? Is it worth the extra funds to hire these characters? According to, a site that delivers customized quotes so you can compare pricing,... read more.

  • January 26, 2025