3 Ways to Organize Holiday Merchandise Around your Store

By Steve Di Orio
Posted in Holidays
On January 23, 2025

Christmas v3

When you suddenly have more products than usual, or you are selling merchandise that is time-sensitive, such as for a particular holiday, you might need to change up your display plan. These items need to be showcased in a way that they will move fast and will be easily seen by frazzled holiday shoppers. So instead of shoving this surplus merchandise anywhere it will fit, keep some of these ideas in mind.

Start at the front and work your way back

This includes your window display as well as the retail displays in your store that are closer to the entrance. Fill your front window with some eye-catching merchandise and signage. Place your newest and pricier items front and center. The displays closest to the door should really grab shoppers’ attention right away, so make it count. Have an appropriate amount of merchandise (not too much or too little), use interesting props, and keep these displays clean, well-lit and easy to access.

If you get new merchandise often during the holidays, rotate your displays.

You want to keep new and exciting merchandise up front so that frequent shoppers are still drawn inside. If they see the same old items at the front of the store they may not stop in, even though you have a whole new display towards the back. Keep rotating your displays as the new products arrive to ensure your store feels fresh and exciting.

The holidays are all about wants, not needs.

This festive time of year is all about gifting others with items they are not willing to buy themselves, and even splurging on yourself once in a while! While you may sell a more practical version of an item, try putting its more enticing and expensive counterpart on display! Sure the standard DVD player is fine option, but a new Blu-ray player with top-of-the-line features feels much more luxurious.

If there was ever a time to pay really close attention to your retail displays, it’s during the holidays. You’ll be competing with not only other stores around you, but with ecommerce sites as well. Give people a reason to stop in your store this season with eye-catching displays, easy to shop merchandise and inviting signage. Keeping your back stock organized will help ensure the displays in the front of your store stay well-stocked and enticing. Remember to change out displays for new products, keep your most lucrative displays toward the front, and keep in mind that the holidays are all about wants not needs.

Steve Di Orio

Steve Di Orio


Steve has been with Handy Store Fixtures for over 15 years. After becoming the Marketing Manager in 2006, he was named Director of Marketing. Steven earned his MBA from Montclair State University with a specialization in Digital Marketing in 2019. When not at work, he loves to travel, play golf, exercise, and talk all things search engine marketing and retail display tips.